
Filming permits

The use of public traffic areas requires a special use permit in accordance with the Baden Wuerttemberg traffic laws before filming for any film or tv production.
An informal request for a permit in the city of Freiburg should be made to

Amt für öffentliche Ordnung
Abteilung Polizei- und Gewerbebehörde
79084 Freiburg
Fax: 0761 / 201 48 97
E-mail: polizei-und-gewerbebehoerde [at] stadt [dot] freiburg [dot] de

The following must be included in the request:

  • name, Address, and where you can be reached (phone, fax, mobile)
  • the exact location and filming dates and program sequence
  • a description of the shooting
  • use of special effects such as fog, smoke, music or similar effects
  • required constructional systems (e.g. Dolly) - required traffic restrictions during shooting (street blockades, interval barriers, stopping and standing restrictions or other measures that interfere with the flow of traffic)
  • an exact description of the shooting location (if possible with a sketch of the layout)

Reminder: the request should be made as early as possible (at least 14 days before shooting commences).

The fee ist contingent upon the administrative effort involved in issuing the permit as well as the length of time and the type and extent of use of public traffic premises.

In the event that vehicles are used within pedestrian zones or in metered areas, a special permit in accordance with the StVO (street traffic ordinances) is required. In this case, the number and purpose of all vehicles must be listed (for example, stage and lighting vehicles, licence plate number, weight), and if you are simply dropping off or if the vehicle must be parked there. Parking is very restricted in pedestrian zones; certain pedestrians areas only are off limits to motor vehicles.